ENCHOICE DZ33® is used for the purposes of enhancement and stabilization of the soil materials to be qualified for all levels road base, sub-base and embankment construction.
Road stablized with ENCHOICE DZ33® has very high compressive strength and load capacity, while minimizing maintenance costs because the layer reinforced with DZ33 is highly stable.
Applying ENCHOICE DZ33® to road constructions will help to reduce construction costs as it is possible to utilize the materials on site instead of having to buy and transport well-graded materials from elsewhere. ENCHOICE DZ33® application with simple construction process, requires no protective tools for workers and is safe from surrounding environment.
Construction process:
1. Dig the soil to the required depth within the road surface to be constructed. Pick up the large stones, roots, and trash from the ground.
2. Grind the plowed soil evenly. Do not water before watering DZ33 solution.
3. Water the solution (water + DZ33) evenly on the small milled soil. It is best to use a suitable watering vehicle to distribute the solution evenly into the soil; however, a hand watering device can be used when a dedicated water truck is not available.
4. Mix well the soil that has been irrigated with water solution + DZ33 to enough depth to plow. Continue to cultivate until the soil is uniform.
5. Tighten the reinforced soil layer. The maximum depth of each layer of reinforced soil should not exceed 20cm. Be sure to remove large stones, roots, and trash before compacting.
6. Cut the surface of the reinforcement layer to meet the requirements of the design horizontal and vertical slope.
7. Surface finishing of reinforcement using appropriate equipment and techniques. The finished road surface is smooth and not pitted, concave, or grainy.
8. The hardening effect of DZ33 starts to happen right after the finishing of compacting. Depending on the conditions, sugar can be put to use immediately; however, it is best to use it after the initial stabilization period of at least 72 hours.
Environmental Choices, Inc.