Product Code : FLEXTERRA® HP-FGM™

Status : Ready

Note: The above price does not include freight
 Flexterra HP-FGM Delivers:
• The highest germination and growth establishment of any rolled or other hydraulically applied erosion control product available
• Greater than 99% erosion control effectiveness immediately upon application
• 100% biodegradable
• Non-toxic and safe for even the most sensitive environments

Superior erosion control across Profile’s spectrum of products ensures reliable, sustainable solutions for slopes, channels, shorelines, water management projects, pipeline restorations, waste and fly ash containment sites, fine turf areas and other environmentally sensitive sites.

Patented Technologies and Greener Components Deliver Unmatched Performance
Flexterra HP-FGM combines both chemical and mechanical bonding techniques to lock the engineered medium in place and promote accelerated germination with minimal soil loss. Greener from the inside out, here’s what makes it work so well:


Nothing Keeps More Soil On Site
Flexterra® HP-FGM™ has demonstrated nearly perfect erosion control performance — even on slopes as severe as 0.25H:1V. In addition to minimizing soil loss, the turbidity of runoff is greatly reduced. In large scale testing, Flexterra HP-FGM reduced effluent turbidity of sandy loam soils to less than 250 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs).

Establishes Vegetation More Reliably
Quicker and complete establishment is the key to long-term erosion control. Flexterra HP-FGM has recorded the highest growth establishment rating of any erosion control product in independent laboratory testing using standard test method ASTM D7322.


The First Erosion Control Product to Offer Documented Functional Longevity
ASTM D5338 testing protocol confirms Flexterra HP-FGM’s observed functional longevity of up to 18 months. Flexterra HP-FGM is proven to last longer than other hydraulically applied erosion control products. 


Long-lasting Flexterra HP-FGM is designed to
• Provide protection on bare soil over periods of dormancy; assures that when more optimal growing conditions arrive, the seed and nutrients are still in place and in an environment conducive to rapid germination and emergence.
• Increase survivability of plants; exceptional water retention nurtures vegetation to better withstand environmental stress.
• Accommodate a broad range of vegetative species; safeguards and helps to cultivate even the slowest establishing species.

Flexterra® HP-FGM™ Technical Data:


* When uniformly applied at a rate of 3,500 lb/ac (3,940 kg/ha) under laboratory conditions.
1. ASTM test methods developed for Rolled Erosion Control Products that have been modified to accommodate Hydraulic Erosion Control Products.
2. Cover Factor is calculated as soil loss ratio of treated surface versus an untreated control surface.
3. Percent Effectiveness = One minus Cover Factor multiplied by 100%.
4. Functional Longevity is the estimated time period, based upon field observations, that a material can be anticipated to provide erosion control and agronomic benefits as influenced by composition, as well as site-specific conditions, including; but not limited to—temperature, moisture and light conditions, soils, biological activity, vegetative establishment and other environmental factors.
5. Large Scale testing conducted at Utah Water Research Laboratory. For specific testing information, please
contact a Profile technical service representative at 800-508-8681 (US and Canada) or International - +1-847-215-1144.
6. Heated to a temperature greater than 380 degrees Fahrenheit (193 degrees Celsius) for 5 minutes at a pressure greater than 50 psi (345 kPa)



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Tel: +1 704 469 3674 , +1 704 666 0747

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Tel: +84 28 2211 1763 / 096 782 4318

Email: info@enchoices.com